‘Lazy Bones’ is my Middle Name

We, a friend and myself, completed a 8-film Harry Potter marathon on Thursday, through to Friday. We wanted to do it in celebration of the Potter generation: the generation who grew up along-side the books and the films and all of their characters. In some way, you could say it was a big part of our childhood. I know I personally will remember it as part of my childhood when I grow up to look back on it. Much like a few key songs from the decades of your adolescence.

I say ‘Lazy Bones’ because the marathon meant sitting down for over 19 hours. Of course, though pleasant at the time, there is always backslash to doing something enjoyable. Over the few days after the event, I’ve been consumed with a lethargy that has prevented the want to do anything constructive. It seems the said lethargy has continued until now, when I finally do something worth my while (i.e. a blog).

With my lethargic – shall we say? – episode, I have been filling myself up with US sit-coms and old series’ of Lewis (with the 2 detectives and lots of murders). It was surpising to find out that an actress I knew to go to my school for 2 years now was in Lewis. She’s just left last year after upper sixth form (year 13). I didn’t know her well, but I used to see her come into school every morning. I shouldn’t have been suprised but it’s always weird seeing someone you knew in real life, appearing as a completely different character on television. Anyway, that was a complete deviation.

The problem with doing nothing is that you don’t really have anything to talk about. Today is my last ‘lazy day’ (a concept that was not created by Bruno Mars’, Lazy Song, despite popular belief) before I grab hold of my life by the collar; for want of a less cheesy phrase. I’ll hopefully be adding a few articles in the future if I can bring myself to write. And a quick moan (or a few) : Why do I keep getting so much spam? And why does everything my-layout-wise look so idiotic on PCs? I should have gone for .png like my first instinct told me to. I’m sorry for the pointless blog.