Although I feel as if I’m stuck 4 years behind where I’m supposed to be in time, it’s weird that it’s 2011. Something is tingling inside me. Maybe it’s the chance to have a fresh start, to correct the mistakes I made last year. And I think I, and probably all of us, made quite a lot of them.
One amazing thing about new year, is that no matter who you are, you think about changing or making a difference for the better. It works for the first week, people don’t look as bored or as worn down as usual. Of course, as you settle and realise it’s just another year to get through, it changes again. However, you still have those resolutions, even if they’re in the back of your mind, that keep you determined to have a good year. So a word of advice to all, when hard times strike you, remember that their is always ‘a light at the end of the tunnel’ and those times will eventually end.
On exciting news, the Demented Year Awards have ended. Voting has been good. And we have winners. Some awesome websites have claimed the title of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Best website, best website name and best quality content of 2010. There are some joint 3rds, but never fear, you will both get your prizes. Go to the page to check out the results. I will notify all contestants soon. And prizes will be given asap.