Sport, Leave & Exams

I admit, it’s an incredulously boring title today, but I need to do a blog to update on a few things.

Recently, I took 2 week internet leave. (Meaning I haven’t been on the internet for 2 weeks now. SHOCK HORROR). I don’t know what made me make this terrible mistake, because coming back again was the hard bit. I was overrun with spam emails as well as Demented Year Award applications. Admittedly, I was surprised at how many people are interested in the competition, but very pleased as well. Keep ’em coming!

Yesterday, I was forced by my school to play a hockey match. We lost 5-0. I have a bruise on my foot where the ball must have hit it. And I set up one of their goals by passing it to their player… =S. Sport isn’t one of my strong points. It never will be.

Finally, I have exams coming up. The one on Monday (15th) is a mock, but it means I have to revise for the afternoon of today. I have a controlled assessment in English as well. And then in 2 weeks, another one. So at the moment, things are busy. I’m going to try to keep updating now, so I don’t get a repeat of the rush to get everything done in 1 morning.

Basically, that’s what is going on in my life. I have little time to do all my hobbies, which is why I’m about 20 days behind on my 30-Day-Vlog-Challenge and why I’m informing you. Just encase you wonder what I’ve got to. Keep leaving me comments and I will get back to you – plus hopefully do some content updates in a bit!
