So I changed my layout … again. I tweeted that I may have an OCD for coding websites and that seems to be more true than I had originally anticipated it to be. Weirdly, changing layouts makes me seem somehow refreshed like changing the bed sheets and sleeping in the fresh smell of them. I’m odd. Forgive me.
School in 2 WEEKS or less now. I’m really nervous about my exams for the next few years, they are very important and I’ve already bitten my nails beyond my fingertips thinking about it. It’s just I can’t afford to make a mistake so I have to be extra careful and work even harder. Which means it’s going to be even harder to juggle between revision, work, website, hobbies and friends. So I have decided that for these last 2 weeks of the holiday I’m going to try and get as many updates on the site done
I have some advertising/link exchanges to sort out, a few hosting applications and a heck of a lot of more content to make. So expect some new things appearing and I will tell you about them in an edit of this blog.
A book to read ‘before you die’ is definitely ‘The Declaration’ by Gemma Malley. It’s cleverly written and shockingly truthful. You just want to tear all the pages up and shout out most of the characters, but all you can do is read on and on until the end hoping something can be done about the previous events in the book. And a film would be ‘Good Will Hunting’ about a maths genius from a bad background seeing a psychiatrist and falling in love. Sounds bad, but it’s actually quite touching.
So lovely visitors, bloggers, designers, writers, future astronauts.
I bid thee toodle-loo!
Soph x
EDIT // Updates:
3 tutorials | A brand new Brushes page! | 1 icon | 5 backgrounds
Wow, I understand how stressful it can be. I wish you luck in school! I hope the lower grade doesn’t bother you too much. \:
That book sounds really good. (: I’ll have to check it out!
Whoa! Your updates are lovely! The backgrounds especially.(:
I know exams can be terrifying sometimes and it’s good that you’re nervous about it. It shows that you care about doing well. But just remember that you cannot let it get the best of you (:
Your backgrounds for the visitors are gorgeous, by the way. Awesome job, hun.
This layout is pretty funky, in my opinion. I spent five minutes being amused by the typography in the sidebar. I think you’ve done a good job!
I’m addicted to making layouts but thankfully I have a lot of other websites so I’m not changing my blog layout every week or so. 😛 I love code and designing, and it’s really something I do as a hobby, but I don’t want to keep changing layouts either. 😛
Good luck with the site updates. I am at university still, and we don’t have a break for another month. I’m trying to fit in anything to do with my site, between my coursework and assignments and whatnot.
I might check out The Declaration when I am looking for books to read. I haven’t read many this year, only about five. Everything has just been really busy!
Whoa! I love the CSS. :O
I’m probably the same as you. I love coding websites. I’m not into the graphic portion of it, just the coding. 😀
School starts in 12 days for me and I can’t wait. I’m going to buckle down and work my butt off to make the last two years count. I’m open for mistakes, but I know I’ll be able to fix them.
I wish you the best of luck! 😀
OH YAY! BOOK RECOMMENDATION! 😀 It sounds interesting. I’ll add it to my list of books to read.
Rena’s website is on maintenance mode, and one of the prizes for winning is advertising. I just want to try and get something worked out with her so people aren’t being referred to her site as it’s under construction. xD
Pretty much all of my other blogs are either rambling or have some intense message to them. 😛 I guess you’re lucky you came to one of the rambles!
I really like this layout! Its really cool. And ah D: i don’t want to go back to school either, got exams to 🙁